What is The Big Life?


What do you want to be when you grow up...? This is the typical question we’re all asked when we were kids. Whether you wanted to be an artist, an astronaut or an adventurer, it was mostly a fantasy-filled aspiration that fueled our imaginations. 

We wanted to be the heroes of our own stories. And not just a “side character”.

For a majority of people, our inspired visions of a life filled with creativity, exploration and imagination were replaced with a far more mundane, practical application for our skills and knowledge. A safe, reliable job we could count on.

It didn’t happen on its own. But after a lifetime of a societal push (from our family, communities, school, the media) to become a “productive member of society”, thousands give up their lofty dreams every day, so they can cash in their monthly checks, and take care of their families. Or to buy the latest iPhone in the market.

But is that really all that life has to offer us? We know there are many people living rockstar lives, athletes living their dreams every week, as well as actual astronauts, explorers and everything else we can think of. But those are other people. What about you; how do you become someone who lives their dreams?

Well, I’m here to tell you that it is possible. And this is where The Big Life comes in. 

In the spirit of mythology expert Joseph Campbell’s The Hero’s Journey — where all mythic narratives are variations of a single great story — The Big Life can also represent our leap into the epic life you were meant to live. To use Campbell’s language, The Big Life is when you “cross the threshold" from the illusory world to the real world. The ultimate ‘crossover’. But also a bridge most people fail to cross.

My mission is to help people cross that bridge. So they, too, can live The Big Life.

I do this every day through my mentoring, as well as through my personal life. I know it is possible to go from an unconscious mindset, filled with social programming and limiting beliefs, to a higher level of awareness, where every single thing we can imagine — love, success, wealth, satisfaction — are attainable.

The Big Life is for anyone who is awakening to the hypnotic dream they have been living in. Realising that they have spent most of their waking moments worrying about the past — or anxious of the future — but rarely ever in the present moment. 

It’s for you too, if you’ve begun the quest to find the answers to a better, bigger life.

Anyone, from all walks of life on this planet, is able to achieve their goals, to live their dreams, to live The Big Life. My past corporate life in advertising taught me the power of influence on people’s lives, but I was not coming to it from a place of high awareness. My years of high-level back problems taught me humility, so I could help myself, first, and then realise my higher mission to help others, as well.

Having awakened to my true nature, I’ve created The Big Life to help people around the world become self-expressed, self-realised and self-determined. No longer conforming to society and others’ rules, but instead to take the unbeaten path and create your own destiny. To become purpose-driven, over status-driven.

It is also an amazing way to live. Going through life aligned with your purpose provides you with a real-life “superpower”, which gives you access to a previously locked amount of energy, focus and flow. You become free to do what makes you truly happy. Or, in the legendary words of Joseph Campbell, to “Follow your Bliss”.

Like the Morpheus to Neo, the Caterpillar to Alice or the Dumbledore to Harry, if you are ready to take on this journey, I can help you reach the metaphorical stars. 

To achieve your loftiest, most dreamy goals. To gain back your true nature, filled with passion, purpose and power. And to find your treasure, to fulfill your mission.

The Big Life is the path back to your childhood dreams, your gifts and your genius. 

Become the hero of your own life, and restore yourself and humanity to greatness. 

To find out more about how you can live The Big Life, you can contact me here.

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