When the Executive Life just doesn’t Cut it
Hundreds of meetings per year, expensive client dinners, making sure that board member / shareholder demands are constantly met... Does this sound like you?
Life doesn’t have to revolve around stressful corporate responsibilities. In fact, life doesn’t have to be about anything in particular. You really can make what you want out of it. But it’s easy to forget that, when family, lifestyle and financial responsibilities have taken centre hold in your life.
If you’re a stressed out executive, you probably know that the answer to feeling satisfied with your life is not “more of the same”. Maybe you can’t quite put your finger on it, but you know there’s gotta be a better way. A way to feel fulfilled, and even thrilled, with your life. A way to make the income you want, while doing work that you love... And it’s possible. I see it all the time, when working with my clients.
It’s true, not everyone gets to live an ideal life. Most people are doing work they don’t enjoy, just so they can get their next paycheck and pay their rent, mortgage and car installments. It’s a never-ending trudge, which supposedly only applies to low-level employees. However, high-flying executives can also fall prey to such behaviour. The basics may be covered, but “your lifestyle” needs that paycheck.
...Or so you may think.
After years of working with C-level executives, directors and other successful members of the corporate world, I understand how important it is to maintain a certain lifestyle. This doesn’t just mean material things like buying a sports car, getting a new Rolex, or going to expensive dinner parties. It can also mean setting up a fund for your kids’ University, or keeping the wife happy with quality jewelry.
Maybe there are dozens of bills, loan payments and other financial responsibilities that need to be taken care of. Therefore, even if you would like a change of career, it’s difficult to know how to go about it. Which is why I recommend to my clients and friends from the corporate world to first gauge what is the most important thing in their lives, and then act.
So try it out:
STEP 1. Why am I doing this?
The very first step is to figure out, why are you basically torturing yourself with this job, which doesn’t give you the satisfaction or sense of purpose you wish you had.
Is it money? Then there is always a better way to make money. The expertise that allows you to gain a 6 or 7 figure paycheck can likely be leveraged in a new way. Don’t be afraid to try new things, like using your knowledge and skills to build your own firm, or to branch out as a high-level consultant. The possibilities are limitless.
Then again, money isn’t everything. So if you could have most of your income with half of the work hours, would you do it? It’s worth considering how valuable your time is, too. Sometimes making enough is worth it so you can get the time to do the things you’d like to do. And yet, it’s still a drive for most of us... So keep in mind there are always ways to make oodles of cash, while living the life of your dreams.
Is it recognition and status? In this case, consider why you need recognition in the first place. Is it to get approval from your peers? Respect from your family and friends? Or perhaps you feel like it’s something that’s been missing for your whole life. It’s okay to feel admired and proud of your achievements, no doubt about it. Yet pride shouldn’t be the goal — just a cool side effect of achieving your dreams.
You can actually get both by doing work that really excites you, especially if you’re doing something good for humanity, nature or the world. In fact, the more in tune you are with your life purpose, the more likely you are to gain the respect and admiration of your peers, loved ones and even strangers.
STEP 2. What is your life purpose?
Finding this out is relatively simple, after you take a big moment to reflect. Just like your passion is that which makes your heart burn with desire. So your purpose is that which makes your soul feel highly elevated. In other words, it’s what feels like the number one reason for why you’re here on this Earth. And it could be anything.
Did you ever wonder why the majority of athletes, musicians, pilots or even kindergarten teachers tend to be happy? They all get very different paychecks, so it’s not because of the money. Some of them get high respect, but others like the teachers, don’t (unfortunately) get it as much.
So what is it? These are professions that one doesn’t normally choose. They are usually someone’s life purpose — that which feels like the truest path for them. So why not search for your own? Chances are, you already know what it is, but you’re uncomfortable heading that direction, in case you lose your current life’s stability.
Well, let me tell you one thing as someone who quit corporate life after reaching the top level of my profession… Success is everywhere, you just have to fight for it. Opportunities abound. The richest people, famous celebrities, rockstars, entrepreneurs, they all could have done something else. Yet, they choose to dive into their chosen life. Not living someone else’s idea of a good life. So, be fearless.
STEP 3. Take action.