How to Change my Life
There are two types of people in the world. Those who embrace change and thrive.
And those who don’t, and are soon forgotten.
— Ancient proverb
In a universe of constantly revolving energy and vibrating matter, change is the only constant we have. It’s the only thing we know for certain that it will happen.
So why do so many struggle with changing their lives, when faced with internal and external struggles? Sometimes it’s just easier to keep things (seemingly) the same, hoping that they will get a better result. It’s the path of least resistance, at least on the surface. But scratch that surface a bit, and you’ll notice that keeping things the same as before will likely only bring on bigger, less welcome changes.
Consider the Earth’s crust. Tectonic plates move at slow pace, but if their path is obstructed — if they face a strong wall, or some other obstacle — this will create more and more friction, until it becomes a massive shift. It creates an earthquake.
People can have earthquakes too, when their movement has stopped for a while.
Being able to embrace change is one of the key ways to live a happy, thriving life.
The more readily you welcome change, the more able you will be to align them towards your biggest goals. Towards your life’s purpose. So that instead of letting life’s tectonic shifts (such as a dead-end job, toxic relationship, or unfulfilling life) define your daily experiences, you can take control of your life before it’s too late.
Who hasn’t heard of someone staying in a job they hate, just because it’s a reliable source of income. Knowing that there’s something better out there, but afraid of taking a risk — embracing big change — to see what that something is.
It’s a far too common occurrence, as inertia often keeps people where they are, unless they feel they need to change. And by then, it can sometimes be too late.
So... How can you take control of your life, so that you become the person that you would like to be? The powerful, unique individual that is within... Your authentic self.
The first thing is to accept that change is not something to fear, but to embrace. This way, you can take on any opportunities that come your way. Because that’s all change is. An opportunity to get closer to your ultimate self. Whether it’s a positive change and it leads to a more satisfying life, or a negative change that leads to a lesson, you should try to always go for the option that prompts action.
By being action-oriented, you know that you are moving somewhere. You can choose to use your mind/reason or your heart/intuition in terms of where you go — ideally when they’re both combined. As long as you prioritise movement. Action. Moving energy around. As you do this, you’ll notice that you get more and more comfortable with any changes coming your way, until it becomes second nature.
Then, consider what is lacking in your life. Make sure it’s not surface level stuff, like money, or a better-looking partner. As this will not ultimately lead you to feeling fulfilled. Go for deeper, more authentic things. Is it purpose? In that case, you may benefit from taking some steps to finding it, so you can incorporate it into your life.
It could also be something more mundane, which is totally fine. Such as eating healthier, feeling calmer or becoming stronger. Whatever it is that’s missing, keep in mind that you will need to be persistent. The bigger the change, the bigger the inertia (like gravity, keeping you in place). Which means you will have to put more energy and time into taking the steps to become the version of yourself you want.
What if you don’t know what to change in your life — only that you want change?
In that case, feel free to go bold. Go for a week-long meditation retreat. Pick up an adventurous hobby. Move to the other side of the world. Chase those dreams you have in the back of your mind. The ones that seem crazy, yet you know they would make you a happier person if you tried. Change is inevitable, so why not take the reins, and strive to reach those dreams. You never know... You might just get there.