How to Reinvent Yourself in 9 Steps

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When life gives you lemons… Have a look at what kind of lemons you’ve got, first.

Are they juicy, fresh, sweet? Lemonade may well be the way to go. A bit fermented, maybe? Then limoncello (the lemon-based Italian liquor) could be the answer. Do you only have one lemon? Plant the seeds, and then check back a few years later.

The point is, if you want to reinvent yourself, there is no one sure path — or magic bullet — for doing so. Many articles out there talk about how to “change your life”, or “become a better you” in just a few easy steps. A pathway that anyone can follow. But the reality is that we are all different in our backgrounds and skill sets.

With that in mind, let’s tackle the task of reinventing yourself. We’ll do so via 9 simple yet powerful steps, some of which will apply to you, and some of them not so much. Follow the advice that makes the most sense to you amongst it, so you can reinvent your life in the way that feels most authentic.

Ready for a big change?

1. What is your ULTIMATE GOAL?

Before anything else, figure out what is the ultimate goal you’re trying to reach with your life reinvention. Is it a better body? A better job? A better relationship? OR is it more general, such as having more happiness, or improved work/life balance.

This ultimate goal will drive your decisions, and keep you motivated. When you’re facing obstacles (which you will, the closer you get to your goals), remain focused ahead of any challenges thrown your way. Clarity is the first step to reinvention. 

2. Get MOVING, so you can thrive.

Once you have defined your top goal, it’s important to get your mind, body and spirit moving, so you can start your journey towards that goal. You won’t resolve your past issues with the same energy you used to create them. So this step is all about being open to new ways of doing things, so you can then reach your goals.

You can get your mind moving by reading an inspiring book, joining meetups, or writing. Get the blood pumping by taking up a sport, going for daily runs, or joining a yoga studio. Meditation is probably the most accessible way to raise your spiritual consciousness. And if you need an even bigger change to shake things up, you can consider a physical move into a new job, a new home, or a new city.

3. DECLUTTER. Clear out the old stuff.

Have you ever thrown away a bunch of things you had been keeping for no good reason? It feels pretty great, doesn’t it? Decluttering is the simple art of getting rid of that which you no longer need, or like. It could be clothes, papers, furniture, or anything else that you could get rid of today... An easy way to determine if it’s worth keeping or not is to ask yourself: Do I love this, and if not, do I really need it?

Only keep the BEST stuff. That which inspires you when you look at it, and serves your higher purpose — your ultimate goal — then get rid of the rest. You will feel incredibly good and light after you donate, sell or recycle your old stuff. You will start to feel like a new you. This is one of the quickest paths to reinventing yourself.

4. Upgrade your ENVIRONMENT.

Just like a clean desk, or a made-up bed, has a cleansing psychological effect, the rest of your environment also affects your mood. Once you’ve cleared out your old stuff, you can make room for the new you. Our minds take in everything around us, consciously or not, so be mindful of the lighting, music, furnishings and other objects in your home. If it’s not helping you, it’s a good chance to change it.

Entire books, seminars and TV shows have been written on the subject of upgrading your environment. It’s what feng shui is all about. But basically, if something in your environment bothers you, slows your productivity down, or de-energises you, you should update it with something that makes you feel good.

5. Become INSPIRED by different arts.

Who doesn’t love movies, music, or fun plays? There’s a reason every society since the dawn of civilisation, several thousands of years ago, has created works of art. It’s part of human nature to express ourselves, our thoughts, emotions and ideas, through various artforms. And just like expressing ourselves is natural, so is the enjoyment and lessons we derive from art. So why not dive in fully, for inspiration?

Whether it’s watching epic films and powerful documentaries, or listening to soothing music to feel calm and pumping songs to “conquer the day”, you can reinvent yourself by handpicking your absolute favourite things to watch and listen to. This way you’re filled with inspiration, and closer to the ultimate version of yourself. Feel free to try out new ones, too. Like comedy nights, or audiobooks.

6. Get out of your COMFORT ZONE.

Becoming too comfortable with your lifestyle — whether it’s serving you or not — is the easiest way to become stuck in life. Humans, like every other creature out there, are meant to be challenged, in order to adapt and become the ultimate versions of themselves. It’s normal to get into a routine, so why not try doing something different every day? Anything that takes you out of your comfort zone, even a bit.

This could be reading an unusual book (Russian philosophy, anyone?), eating out on your own, or even something more adventurous, like taking a skydiving course. You can really try anything, as long as it challenges you in some way. Once you do you’ll start to feel more confident, as self-growth and new opportunities arise.

7. Look after your overall HEALTH.

You won’t get very far in life without your health. This is the most important thing you’ve got, as it’s what you’ll be missing the most once it’s gone. However, even if you’re in your 40s, 50s or 60s, you can still keep — or even regain — your health, by taking care of yourself. Don’t know where to start? Go for the classics, like yoga, sports and meditation. Try them all, and see what you like... Then make it a habit.

Reconsider what you eat, as well. Food author Michael Pollan says that everything he's learned about food and health can be summed up in seven words: "Eat food, not too much, mostly plants." While it’s not for everyone to go plant-based, or to switch soda for water, eating healthier will go a long way in helping you reinvent your body. We are what we eat... So why not become better from the inside out?

8. Find a heart-based MENTOR.

Just like you don’t have to “fix what isn’t broken” (physical or emotional), similarly, you can learn what has worked for others, so you can apply it in your own life. No one can become successful on their own. We are social animals, and reaching out for help is part of our nature. With that said, there are thousands of coaches, mentors and life guides out there, so how can you choose the correct one for you?

In my opinion, the three most important factors when choosing a mentor are: 

  • Reliability

  • Experience

  • Heart-based approach

The 1st is about having someone you can trust with your goals and dreams, knowing they will show up for you when you need them. The 2nd is about them having “walked the walk” of success. No point in being your mentor, otherwise. And the 3rd is about having a mentor with similar values, so you can truly thrive.

9. EXPRESS your brand-new self.

Technically, every 7 years you’re a new person, as most or all of your cells will have regenerated by then. Similarly, after going through a process of life reinvention — such as using the steps above — you’ll be ready to become a new you. So what better way to celebrate this new version of yourself than by expressing who you are (the real you) in a creative way. 

You can paint, dance, sing, play an instrument, write a short story or a poem. Anything that gets your creative juices flowing... It doesn’t matter if you use it later or not. The idea is that you get to express this new you creatively, solidifying who you are now — someone who follows their dreams, and embraces challenges.

If you’d like to Reinvent your Life at an even deeper level, you can find me here.